• 中村 浩之 助教

  • 日本リウマチ財団リウマチ登録医
  • 日本内科学会総合内科専門医





2003年 名古屋大学教育学部附属高等学校 卒業

2009年 必威体育_必威体育app-平台*官网 医学部医学科 卒業

2018年 北海道大学必威体育_必威体育app-平台*官网 医学研究科 博士課程修了

2019年 National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, AAV Biology Section, Visitting Fellow

2023年 必威体育_必威体育app-平台*官网 医学部 免疫?リウマチ内科学教室 助教

2024年 必威体育_必威体育app-平台*官网 医学部 免疫?リウマチ内科学教室 助教(衛生学講座兼任)











Nakamura H, Tanaka T, Zheng C, et al. Amplified Type I Interferon Response in Sj?gren’s Disease via Ectopic Toll-Like Receptor 7 Expression in Salivary Gland Epithelial Cells Induced by Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein 3.Arthritis Rheumatol.2024.

Gupta S, Yamada E,Nakamura H, et al. Inhibition of JAK-STAT pathway corrects salivary gland inflammation and interferon driven immune activation in Sj?gren's disease.Ann Rheum Dis.2024.

Nakamura H, Nagahata K, Amaike H, et al. Case report: Autoinflammatory manifestations in a patient with Sj?gren's disease.Int J Rheum Dis.2024; 27(2): e15083.

Nakamura H, Tanaka T, Zheng C, et al. Lysosome-Associated Membrane Protein 3 Induces Lysosome-Dependent Cell Death by Impairing Autophagic Caspase 8 Degradation in the Salivary Glands of Individuals With Sj?gren's Disease.Arthritis Rheumatol.2023; 75(9): 1586-1598.

Nakamura H, Tanaka T, Zheng C, et al. Correction of LAMP3-associated salivary gland hypofunction by aquaporin gene therapy.Sci Rep.2022; 12(1): 18570.

Mo YQ,Nakamura H, Tanaka T, et al. Lysosomal exocytosis of HSP70 stimulates monocytic BMP6 expression in Sj?gren’s syndrome.J Clin Invest.2022; 132(6): e152780.

Ghosh S, Kumar M, ―,Nakamura H, et al. Enteric viruses replicate in salivary glands and infect through saliva.Nature.2022; 607(7918): 345-350.

Nakamura H, Tanaka T, Pranzatelli JF, et al. Lysosome-associated membrane protein 3 misexpression in salivary glands induces a Sj?gren’s syndrome-like phenotype in mice.Ann Rheum Dis.2021; 80(8): 1031-1039.

Nakamura H, Kamada K, Tarumi M, et al. Gadolinium-Enhanced MRI in Shoulders Contributes Accurate Diagnosis and Predicting Recurrence to Patients with Polymyalgia Rheumatica.Clin Exp Rheumatol.2021; 39(1): 84-90.

Nakamura H, Fujieda Y, Tarumi M, et al. Calcineurin inhibitors for adult-onset Still’s disease: a multi-center retrospective cohort study.Clin Exp Rheumatol.2020; 127(5): 11-6.

Sato T,Nakamura H, Fujieda Y, et al. Factor Xa inhibitors for preventing recurrent thrombosis in patients with antiphospholipid syndrome: A longitudinal cohort study.Lupus. 2019; 28(13): 1577-82.

Nakamura H, Shimamura S, Yasuda S, et al. Ectopic RASGRP2 (CalDAG-GEFI) expression in rheumatoid synovium contributes to the development of destructive arthritis.Ann Rheum Dis.2018; 77(12): 1765-72.

Nakamura H, Fujieda Y, Kato M, et al. Remission of Nephrotic Syndrome after Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis C Infection in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.Ann Intern Med.2018; 169(5): 352-53.

Nakamura H, Oku K, Amengual O, et al. First-line, non-criterial antiphospholipid antibody testing for the diagnosis of antiphospholipid syndrome in clinical practice: a combination of anti-beta2-glycoprotein I domain I and anti-phosphatidylserine/prothrombin complex antibodies tests.Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken).2018; 70(4): 627-34.

Nakamura H, Oku K, Ogata Y, et al. Alternative pathway activation due to low level of complement factor H in primary antiphospholipid syndrome.Thromb Res.2018; 164: 63-8.

Nakamura H, Odani T, Yasuda S, et al. Autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Japanese patients with systemic sclerosis: long-tern follow-up on a phase II trial and treatment-related fatal cardiomyopathy.Mod Rheumatol.2018; 28(5): 879-84.

Nakamura H, Kato M, Nakaya T, et al. Decreased haptoglobin levels inversely correlated with pulmonary artery pressure in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension: A cross-sectional study.Medicine (Baltimore).2017; 96(43): e8349.

Nakamura H, Odani T, Shimizu Y, et al. Usefulness of tacrolimus for refractory adult-onset still's disease: Report of six cases.Mod Rheumatol.2016; 26(6): 963-7.






International Workshop Award 2016(日本リウマチ学会)

International Workshop Award 2017(日本リウマチ学会)

Travel Bursary Award 2017(欧州リウマチ学会)

Travel Bursary Award 2019(アジア太平洋リウマチ学会)

Excellent Paper Award 2019(北海道大学)

海外派遣医助成金 2019(日本リウマチ財団)

海外留学助成金 2019(持田記念医学薬学振興財団)

海外研究留学助成金 2019-2023(武田科学振興財団)

Supplemental Fellow Award 2019-2023(National Institutes of Health)

Fellows Award for Research Excellence 2022(National Institutes of Health)

研究活動スタート支援2023-2024(日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業)






nakamurahiro*sapmed.ac.jp (*を@に変えてください)
