

Biniaris-Georgallis SI, et al. and Kanda M, Triantafyllopoulou A. Amplification of autoimmune organ damage by NKp46-activated ILC1. Nature. 2024

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Kanda M, Sato M, Nagahata K, et al. Assessment of oral methotrexate intolerance in Japanese adult patients with rheumatoid arthritis.Int J Rheum Dis.2024; 27(1): e15029.

Nakamura H, Nagahata K, Amaike H, et al. Case report: Autoinflammatory manifestations in a patient with Sj?gren's disease.Int J Rheum Dis.2024; 27(2): e15083.

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Kudo T, Nakazawa D, Watanabe-Kusunoki K, Kanda M, et al. Regulation of NETosis and Inflammation by Cyclophilin D in Myeloperoxidase-Positive Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Vasculitis.Arthritis Rheumatol.2023; 75(1): 71-83.

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